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Start Now: Make Your QuickBooks Integration Quick and Easy

If your company already uses QuickBooks what does a document management solution bring to the table? Document management does what QuickBooks can’t in terms of capturing, storing and enabling retrieval of digital documents without you ever having to leave the QuickBooks interface. Document Management is a powerful collaborative tool and a resource for your accounting team that can be accessed by customer service, order processing, project managers and other departments that need customer and vendor information. You can also automatically generate transactional information and easily import it into QuickBooks eliminating manual data entry and greatly reducing errors.

Why wait to get more value from QuickBooks? When you’re ready to start, these field-tested recommendations will help you avoid common mistakes and needless frustration.

Practical tips to prepare for your integration

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  1. Start with high-level planning to fully understand the structure of your accounting system. If there are several divisions in your company, find out how their accounting processes are different and whether you are dealing with multiple QuickBooks implementations. For example, a DocuWare customer manages seven golf courses. Each golf course is a separate entity in terms of business practices, and each one has a separate QuickBooks installation. Uncovering this at the beginning of the planning process prevents headaches later. 
  2. If you are dealing with multiple installations also find out what they have in common. It’s important to determine whether they share characteristics such as the way they structure general ledger and job codes.
  3. Clean up your data.  Remove or deactivate outdated information like unused payment types, discontinued products that don’t have an inventory balance, IDs and passwords of former users and vendors you no longer work with. iStock-470347486 (1)
  4. Be aware that QuickBooks doesn’t prevent you from inputting duplicate entries and incorrect data. Because of this, be especially careful about how you enter index data into the document management system. 
  5. Familiarize yourself with QuickBooks’ data formats, best practices and constraints. It’s important to take the size limitations of each field type into account and make sure that the corresponding fields in DocuWare don’t exceed these limits.
  6. Format your fields precisely. When creating index fields, be careful that the format of your fields exactly matches the fields in QuickBooks. When fields are linked by workflows, having an exact match is extremely important. 
With QuickBooks successfully managing your company’s finances, integrating it with DocuWare’s document management solution takes your control over business processes to a new level. You’ll make QuickBooks work even smarter while eliminating bottlenecks and minimizing human error.

Editor's note: This post has been updated for accuracy and new content has been added. 

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