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Mengali Accountancy- Take Technology to the Next Level

Mengali_Group_-_insideMengali Accountancy initially implemented DocuWare to streamline work processes and become a paperless office. Fast forward a few years and this progressive company took technology to the next level - their customers.

Web-based, secure technology provides Mengali’s clients access to the DocuWare system. Now, when a client electronically submits invoices or their financial documents, they are processed based on a predefined workflow within DocuWare. Additionally, the firm saves hundreds of hours formerly spent pulling documents by giving auditors direct access to only the documents they need to review.

Intelligent Automation on the Forefront

Once a document is uploaded for importing to DocuWare, indexing is done with DocuWare’s Intelligent Indexing Service which reads information from a scanned document and makes indexing recommendations for storage. The Service quickly learns from feedback; the more Mengali works with it, the quicker and more automatic indexing becomes.


“Implementing a self-serve information portal for our clients has saved us huge amounts of time. It was a benefit I was not anticipating, but one that has allowed us to effectively utilize our human resources and grow our business,” said Renee Mengali, President and Owner of Mengali Accountancy.






