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Making the Most of Networking and Educational Sessions at the DocuWare User Conference

User Conference group

Today, as the DocuWare User Conference continues, keynote presentations included a look at DocuWare the company and its strategy and vision from Chief Technology Officer Michael Berger, a User Panel discussion, and a preview of a new Customer Support Portal that is launching at the beginning of 2019.

DocuWare was honored to receive the Buyers Lab 2019 Pick award for our Outstanding Content & Workflow Management Platform. CTO Michael Berger accepted the award on behalf of DocuWare.

Tony Leone represented Objective Lune, the High Gear sponsor, and talked about the tasks for which they use DocuWare and the global reach they have for digitizing documents. Together with their well-known document composition and workflow capabilities designed for transaction document distribution for print and the web, PlanetPress Connect is an excellent complementary product to DocuWare.

User Conference panelists overwhelmingly described DocuWare as “priceless.” Panelist Patricia Hernandez, Manager at Marcon International, Inc. noted DocuWare enables them to assign very specific terms to their index data to retrieve detailed information instantly. The high quality of their DocuWare database contributes to their reputation as a trusted resource globally. The devil is in the details in this industry – for example, we learned that one of Marcon’s sales was canceled because the vessel was 6 inches too wide to sail the Panama Canal!

Jonathon Daigle, Sr. Manager, Information Systems at Group 1 Automotive shared the extent to which they currently use the solution in 200 dealerships, adding that every day, he is asked how they can expand DocuWare’s use within the company. He was most interested in Product Manager Christian Prantl’s presentation which highlighted the enhancements in DocuWare 7. “We recently upgraded to version 6.12 and have seen about a 30 percent increase in performance.” He advises other DocuWare customers to plan for future growth: “If you choose an on-premises system, don’t skimp on hardware. We’ve been working with DocuWare for almost 10 years and have archived about 20 terabytes of data.”

Attendees participated in roundtable discussions during lunch to network and exchange ideas; tables had different job responsibility topics to choose from including Business Process Owners and Team Leaders; Finance and Accounting; Human Resources; IT Corporate Applications and Business Systems Analysts; and IT Operations and Network Administrators. DocuWare staff moderated and provided input.

This afternoon’s educational sessions include an overview of how users can build web forms without programming, a review of DocuWare administration and security best practices, and an in-depth look at workflow design.

If you are attending the event, don’t forget to share photos and comments with us on social media using the hashtag #DocuWareUserConference.


Joan HeadshotJoan Honig is the Content Marketing Manager at DocuWare.


