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How Document Management Supports Growth: An Agricultural Case Study

As with any technology investment, choosing a cost-effective document management system starts with carefully assessing your business needs, and then choosing a system that meets them. But you should also look for a system with the flexibility to scale with you as your company grows.

Document Management Supports Growth

Here’s an case study in which a fruit company worked with DocuWare to create a solution that helps them keep pace with their growing business.

Agricultural Case Study: Paramount Citrus

Paramount Citrus grows, packs and ships fresh citrus fruit, and is rapidly expanding through acquiring farm land and packing operations. As a result of this expansion, the company is experiencing the growing pains of merging companies, such as establishing standard procedures for accounting processes.

Paramount Citrus’ purchasing department is decentralized, with vendor invoices being received at multiple locations. In the past, these invoices would then be faxed, scanned or mailed to the central office. As a result, the accounting department would frequently receive four copies of the same invoice, resulting in confusion and wasted time. With a monthly volume of 5,000 to 6,000 invoices, Paramount Citrus knew it needed to invest in a document management system.

DocuWare developed a document management solution that integrated with the company’s existing Oracle system, helping to eliminate multiple copies of the same invoice, speed invoice processing and approvals while standardizing accounting procedures.

“The biggest benefit we’ve seen is how much easier invoice approvals have become, with only one image of a document that is electronically routed for approval,” says Kevin Adams, corporate controller at Paramount Citrus. “Avoiding multiple copies of the same document and knowing where it is in our process at any time has really streamlined our workflow and efficiency.”

With over 100 employees in multiple locations using DocuWare for invoice approval, Paramount Citrus has seen tremendous benefits from having only one copy of each invoice. The new procedures have eliminated invoice re-verification at each stage of approval, avoiding vendor confusion and duplicate payments.

The accounting department’s invoice volume has now nearly doubled to 10,000 per month. Using digital document management has improved the company’s cash flow and helped to establish accounting processes that scale as the company continues to grow.

Choosing The Right Solution For You

The leaders of many mid-sized companies realize intuitively that digital document management would make their organizations more efficient. On the other hand, people have managed to get work done with paper for hundreds of years. Caught between these perspectives, many people resist making the switch to digital.

When companies realize that their current system is causing serious problems, taking action with document management often gives them an edge in the marketplace. Those that realize there’s a problem but do nothing tend to fall behind, as their competitors become more and more efficient.

By working with a trusted vendor or consultant to understand the true value of document management — and the problems it could solve for your company — you’re better prepared to assess the cost-effectiveness of this technology and take advantage of the opportunities it offers to grow your company and drive new revenue.

Discover the true value of increasing efficiency and productivity through document management. Download our free e-book, Cost-Effective Document Management: A Guide For Mid-Sized Businesses.


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