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DocuWare Celebrates 10 Years in the Cloud

DocuWare Online was launched in 2012 which Computerworld magazine identified as The year cloud computing took a bite out of IT. DocuWare began to explore the cloud’s potential along with a handful of forward-thinking customers. The solution was renamed DocuWare Cloud in 2015, and the number of cloud customers grew exponentially year over year. At the start of 2019, more than 2,000 customers opted for the company's Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. Today, DocuWare Cloud serves more than 6,000 customers worldwide.

Cloud-based technologies — and how we use them at work and in our personal lives — continue to change the way companies do business. Cloud services enable even the smallest competitor to deliver a game-changing experience via massively scalable storage and computational firepower to crunch the largest sets of data, to provide the analytics to understand it and the security to lock it all down. Clouds and blue sky with image of cloud computing
Tremendous improvements in the security, scalability and reliability of cloud infrastructures eliminate the potential risks that deterred organizations from implementing cloud-based software in the past. Cloud solutions enable companies to scale upward, integrate with other applications, design new workflows, and expand into additional business processes without downtime and complex development cycles. 

Customer-focused cloud automationHappy older woman at desk with computer (1)

On a day-to-day level, DocuWare Cloud is always fully operational without human intervention on the customer side. With our dedicated security team and support from Microsoft Azure platform services, data and documents are fully protected with extensive IT resources that most companies can’t provide on their own. 
Due to pressure caused by present-day economic uncertainty, technology buyers are impatient. They want quick wins and real solutions that can be implemented at speed — in days rather than weeks. That’s where DocuWare preconfigured solutions come into play. The solutions are modular and cloud-based which eliminates lengthy implementations, ongoing software maintenance and additional purchases of servers and other hardware.

Staying on top of information security and data privacy Gold locks representing computer security

Our customers face security challenges that were unheard of 10 years ago. From hackers and malware to restrictive privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, internet security needs have evolved into one of the most important capabilities that a cloud-based solution provides. 
Because of a cloud-first strategy and web-native applications, DocuWare Cloud is engineered to take full advantage of the Microsoft Azure platform. The solution’s security and compliance capabilities are enhanced by Microsoft’s proactive approach to these business issues. For example, DocuWare Cloud leverages Azure’s ability to identify new security threats and respond quickly due to real-time global cybersecurity intelligence.
With cloud-based software, the burden of adapting to ever-changing security and regulatory requirements, as well as providing redundant data backup and developing a technology infrastructure that grows with the organization is shifted to the cloud service provider. Business owners can focus on their core business goals — which is the purpose of implementing office automation technology in the first place. 

Agile methodology leads to an increase in productivity and innovationLabel on cardboard fragile with f and r crossed out (1)

DocuWare continues to make strategic investments in time and talent to keep our cloud solution in synch with every technological advance that will benefit our customers. The company uses agile methodology, which requires constant collaboration and continuous improvement, to speed up and maintain the highest level of product quality and customer support. As a result of this approach, we no longer separate Product Development, Quality Assurance and Cloud Operations. These teams join forces under the umbrella of Engineering. This is just one of the ways that DocuWare has accelerated the development process to keep up with customer demand. 
Wherever the next stage of the growth of cloud document management will lead, DocuWare is future-ready and positioned to take on any new challenge so that our customers don’t have to. 

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