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5 Employee Management Sectors that Benefit Most from HR Automation

Whether it’s keeping sensitive employee information safe and secure, or updating the company handbook and ensuring employees have read it, human resources (HR) carries its own set of potential workflow inefficiencies. 

As your business continues to grow, locking down paper-based processes by turning them digital will lead to more efficient workflows, as well as benefits for HR and the business as a whole.

So, what might implementing document management inside your HR department actually look like?

Human Resources Workflows: How Office Automation Helps

  1. Employee File Management: HR managers need quick and easy access to employee data. This data has to be stored correctly and with the proper privacy controls in place. Using electronic forms makes entering employee information and obtaining approval from employees on certain documents more efficient.
  2. Administration Policies and Procedures: When HR pushes out new policies and procedures, document management software makes distribution easier and provides an audit trail for correct distribution. Electronic forms make obtaining employee sign-off faster, easier and cost-efficient.
  3. Recruiting: Through document management, resumes sent via email may be extracted automatically and stored in a searchable database. Automatic resume extraction enables HR managers to create their own database of candidates that is searchable by topics and keywords. Internal electronic resume distribution ensures everyone involved with interviewing a job applicant receives the latest resume version. In terms of HR workflow efficiency, setting up hiring approvals electronically makes the process consistent and repeatable while creating an audit trail of all hiring activities.
  4. Onboarding: When onboarding new employees, it’s necessary for them to fill out numerous paper forms. Usually, the information between forms is repeatable. With electronic forms, all employee data will populate in related fields throughout a series of documents with just one-time entry. Integration tools ensure your chosen document management software integrates with your company web portal or intranet so updated handbook information appears where new and existing employees can access it quickly and easily.
  5. Employee Performance Management: The theme of HR automation should be electronic forms as forms-centric processes are dramatically improved with the right software. Hiring reviews, salary approvals, annual raises and performance-based increases are all streamlined into efficient workflows that benefit the business and the employees receiving the boost. On the other side, performance problems necessitate a clear, consistent trail of documentation accurately depicting an employee’s history with a company.

Why Are Automated Workflows Right for Your Human Resources Department?

The average human resources department distributes, collects and maintains a lot of paper. Paper tied to bloated processes slows HR managers down from doing work that pushes a business forward. Plus, paper requires filing cabinets, and depending on how much you intend on growing your business, the amount of paper you store could add up quickly.

At some point, you’re going to need to find a way to eliminate the buildup of paper that slows decision making.

If efficient data management and faster document routing and approvals are important not only to your HR department but your entire business, document management software is worth a closer look.

Editor's note: This post has been updated for accuracy and new content has been added. 

Ready to experience faster, simplified HR workflows? Find out how to automate HR workflow processes in just a few days. Watch the Webinar. 

How to Simplify HR Workflow Processes Webinar - DocuWare Kinetic Solutions
