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A Propos DocuWare
Le succès de la vente de solutions de GED repose sur une équipe parfaitement formée. De la prospection à la présentation des solutions, en passant par la mise en œuvre et l’assistance, vous avez besoin de différents experts.
DocuWare Sales Advisor (DSA)
Starting with the first customer contact via DocuWare Sales Advisor (DSA), it’s important to know the basics of document management and applications of DocuWare.
Upon certification, a DSA is in a position to conduct qualified discussions with interested parties on the subject of document management and convince them of the urgent need and benefits of a document management system. The DSA then hands over qualified leads to the DAC.
DocuWare Application Consultant (DAC)
DACs are sales-oriented product specialists. They are able to conduct an optimal presentation of DocuWare and communicate all of the solution’s benefits. They lead the sales process from discovery to presentation to the final proposal creation; then they close the deal (Cloud- or on Premises-System) Our training sessions ensure that every DAC is familiar with the product range and feature sets.
DocuWare Cloud Consultant (DCC)
The DCC handles sales of cloud-based preconfigured solutions that are set up to map specific process requirements. This prescriptive sales approach supports being able to quickly hand over these “out-of-thebox systems” to a DSC for implementation.
DocuWare System Consultant (DSC)
DSCs are responsible for technical consulting, installation and implementation, as well as software updates and ongoing support for a DocuWare system. In our training sessions, a DSC is given the detailed, technical knowledge needed to take the information gathered during the discovery phase to then plan, install, configure and support a customer’s system.
La conférence utilisateurs DocuWorld constitue l’événement le plus important pour tous les utilisateurs de DocuWare. Cette expérience riche compte notamment des ateliers, des interventions d’experts, des opportunités de réseautage et des sessions de programmation nocturnes.