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Posts with the topic of "Enterprise Content Management (2)"

5 Key Trends to Shape Your 2018 Information Management Plans

I spend a lot of my time writing and speaking about trends in the content management marketplace. As many of you know, I regularly blog under the ... Read more

Automating Business Processes Means Productive Workers, Not Fewer Workers

There are few topics in the press that generate more heat – and less light – than the role that automation, machine learning, and technology play in ... Read more

How Many Faces Does Your CFO Have?

I recently came across an interesting framework developed by Deloitte called the Four Faces of the CFO. It struck me that these four roles – steward, ... Read more

The March to Cloud Content Management – Resistance to Cloud Solutions is Futile

Back around 2009, I would raise the prospect of buying things online with my wife, and she would express security concerns and that she was ... Read more

Three Reasons Cloud Content Management Changes the ECM Game

There was a time not that long ago when conversations about cloud solutions had almost a theological flavor. Organizations were either 100% committed ... Read more

Customer Spotlight: Tillamook Bay Community College Shares Information to Achieve Lean Business Process Goals

Tillamook Bay Community College applies lean methodology to minimize wasted time and money and produce more value with fewer resources. As a result ... Read more

How Big is the ECM Market? Lies, Nonsense and Market Sizing Statistics

I am frequently asked this question: “How big is the ECM industry?” Much as I would LOVE a simple answer, every time I am asked, I usually flash to ... Read more

Silos cripple your information management strategy; SaaS silos make it worse

One can hardly tell the history of enterprise content management without quickly encountering “content silos” and their crippling impact upon an ... Read more

The Uncomfortable E in Conversations about ECM Solutions

There is a lot of uncomfortable conversation right now about the “ECM” term. Truth be told, I find the conversation interesting because I have always ... Read more

5 Tips for Successful Content Management Implementation

The only constant, the saying goes, is change. In your constant efforts to improve and grow your business, you will need to change business ... Read more