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Posts with the topic of "Compliance (3)"

Sausage, Legislation, and Creating a Common European E-invoicing Standard

Otto von Bismarck once said, “Laws are like sausages: it is better not to see them being made.” Like sausage and laws, arriving at a common ... Read more

The Wild Ride Starts Now – Data Governance Challenges in the New GDPR

Mention “GDPR” in the U.S., and you’ll likely get a blank stare. Mention “GDPR” in any business conversation in Europe and just about everyone will ... Read more

There’s No “Oops” in Regulatory Compliance

The fact of the matter is you simply can’t afford a regulatory compliance lapse that damages your reputation or your effectiveness – or more likely, ... Read more

ISO 9001 Certification Expiring? Focus on Digitizing Document Processes

ISO 9001 certification -- technically ISO 9001:2008 AND ISO 9001:2015 -- is a must-have for most manufacturing and service companies. There are now ... Read more

Knowing Your Rights in Europe

Companies are usually familiar with the regulations in their own country. But what about the legal framework in other countries? What retention ... Read more

Avoiding HIPAA Compliance Issues In Medical Offices

Between HIPAA documents, insurance forms, billing papers and patient records, the healthcare industry is buried in paper – and it continues to pile ... Read more

Top 5 Ways Document Management Benefits Mid-Sized Companies

When you ask people at a mid-sized company what they hope to get from adopting digital document management, and then follow up after they’ve ... Read more

Top 7 Obstacles Between You And A Paperless Office

Creating a paperless office gives you a competitive advantage whether you’re at a large organization or a small business. But 100-percent paperless ... Read more

How Digital Document Management Prevents Your Compliance Nightmares

The auditors tell you that they’re spot-checking for compliance and want to see all documents related to three particular transactions. So begins the ... Read more

Avoiding Compliance Nightmares With Electronic Document Management

Inefficient or ineffective document management results in unnecessary costs, but it also puts many companies at serious risk of a compliance ... Read more