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Knowing Your Rights in Europe


EU_Compendium.jpgCompanies are usually familiar with the regulations in their own country. But what about the legal framework in other countries? What retention periods apply to invoices in France? How do companies in Poland have to archive their invoices received via email? What VAT is added in Italy? What sanctions await someone in Spain who hasn’t retained their invoices in a legally compliant way? Answers to these questions and more – whether on minimum requirements for sales tax or the storage and retention of invoices – can be found in the recently published EU compendium "E-Invoicing & Retention".

Policies in 19 major European countries are discussed: Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom and Cyprus.

 This reference was developed by the firm of PSP Peters, Schönberger & Partner under the direction of tax attorney Philipp Matheis, and is targeted to both system providers and users. Click here for the free download.
