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DocuWare Blog: Modern Digital Business

How Much Time Do You Spend On Document Storage?

Tasks that revolve around handling, processing and storing documents are so common in the workplace that it’s easy to overlook how much time they ... Read more

Perfecting Your Paper Management System In The Digital Age

Although the technology for digital document management and enterprise content management has been available for decades, paper still plays an ... Read more

Archive Like A Pro: 5.5 Document Management Best Practices

Whether it’s required by law or just seems wise, an archive stores proof of what your organization says it has done. And if your archiving system ... Read more

Using Business Process Analysis To Streamline Your Workflow

If your organization has some employees in a central office and others spread out across different project sites, it’s easy for seemingly ... Read more

Digital Workflow Do’s And Don’ts For Every Office

Some companies struggle when it comes to managing their digital workflow: As documents and data flow here and there, information could get lost, and ... Read more

Are Document Silos Killing Your Process Efficiency?

When your employees lack access to business documents they need, it creates a bottleneck that steals your productivity and process efficiency. Here’s ... Read more

9 Corporate Document Management Secrets Revealed

Many businesses and organizations today are saddled with an invisible burden: inefficient document management that squanders resources and wastes ... Read more

PaperScan: New for Android

PaperScan – which has already clocked 15,000 downloads in the App Store – is now available for Android devices. The App makes it seamless to use a ... Read more