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DocuWare Blog: Modern Digital Business

5 Reasons Not to Fall Behind in Digital Innovation

Information management is crucial for organizations across nearly every industry. From Fortune 500 companies to medical offices, where and how you ... Read more

How Digitizing Content, Documents and Processes Supports Lean Principles

The best way to truly succeed in business, regardless of your industry, is to put the customer at the center of all decisions so you can deliver the ... Read more

Is Paper Killing Your Business in the Digital Age? [Infographic]

The more digital your business is, the less likely it is that a dependence on paper is negatively impacting customer satisfaction, increasing your ... Read more

Knowing Your Rights in Europe

Companies are usually familiar with the regulations in their own country. But what about the legal framework in other countries? What retention ... Read more

Are Paper-Based Processes Costing You Customers?

When was the last time you asked customers about how they felt while doing business with you? What would their feelings reveal about the overall ... Read more

Improving Patient Experience & Office Efficiency with Electronic Documents

In the not-so-distant past, manual entry of medical information and physical filing systems were standard operating procedure for all medical ... Read more

Increasing Productivity With Digital Accounting Workflows

Paper-based accounting processes are cause for concern. In some businesses, they are debilitating. Now, more than ever, executives are wondering what ... Read more

Avoiding HIPAA Compliance Issues In Medical Offices

Between HIPAA documents, insurance forms, billing papers and patient records, the healthcare industry is buried in paper – and it continues to pile ... Read more

Why A Digital Strategy Addressing Document Management Drives Profitable Growth

Every day, the world becomes more digital. In our personal lives, the change is persistent. Read more

How Anytime, Anywhere Document Access Unlocks Productivity

Accessing documents and managing content from a mobile device is how businesses and employees are accomplishing more on the go. It enables some ... Read more