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Customer Spotlight: Mobile Access Empowers Field Superintendents to Keep Work Moving at Century Fence

Century Fence Image

Founded in 1917, Century Fence is a family-run fencing provider and pavement marking contractor. The company prides itself on well-organized project management, top-quality work and consistently meeting customer deadlines. In order to maintain these high standards, Century Fence wanted to reduce dependence on paper-based files, speed up workflows and ensure that records are searchable and processes are transparent. The company was also focused on improving collaboration between their offices in Pewaukee and Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Forest Lake, Minnesota.

Century Fence chose DocuWare because its mobile capability could provide their Field Superintendents with remote access to project documentation, and its flexibility enables integration with their ERP and accounting systems.

Digital Transformation Streamlines Cost Approval Processes

The Superintendents need access to project folders during the quoting, staging, installation and billing phases. With DocuWare in place, every member of the team can easily add to project files and review documents whether they are in the office or on-site. Quick searches facilitate better coordination between departments and eliminates wasted time hunting for paper project folders. Superintendents now spend 30 minutes per week on cost approvals rather than the average of 4 hours per week they devoted to the task before DocuWare was implemented.

In addition, digitizing accounting process allows their accounting department to operate more efficiently, eliminating the hassle, costs and time that was spent sending paper documents back and forth between their three offices.

“DocuWare has helped us clean up our cost approval process and our accounting department is now taking full advantage of early payment discounts,” said Matt Powell, VP of Business Development at Century Fence.

More Time for Work that Impacts the Bottom Line

With DocuWare in place, Century Fence employees spend less time on administrative tasks and concentrate on work that contributes to the company’s bottom line. “DocuWare allows us to keep Superintendents in the field, where they are most valuable, rather than in the office doing paperwork,’’ Powell explained. Time in the field enables them to oversee the work and keep projects on time and on budget.”

Find out more about how DocuWare can transform your business processes. Read the full Century Fence case study or Request a Demo.


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