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9 Ways Automated Customer Documentation Can Reduce Manufacturing Cycle Time

A wide variety of document types and forms of customer documentation are involved moving a product from inventory to the customer: invoices, packing ... Read more

Supplier Relationship Management – A Solution to 5 Key Procurement Challenges

Procurement includes the processes by which manufacturing requirements are translated into supplier requirements, how supplier relationships are ... Read more

Are Customers Focused on Achieving a Paperless Office or Digital Transformation? Or Both?

I’m just back from the DocuWare User Conference and it was a high point of the year for me. Listening to customers talk about their goals, ... Read more

7 Symptoms of an Engineering Change Order Bottleneck

A wide variety of documents are used during a manufacturing product development and design process. These include Market Requirements Documents ... Read more

2 Reasons CFOs Should Eliminate Paperwork and Digitize Accounting Workflows

Every business operates on a pretty thin line between success and failure, and technology disruption is making this line sharper every day. C-level ... Read more

Applying Lean Manufacturing Principles to Business Operations

“Lean” manufacturing principles are well known to manufacturing executives. These include standardizing processes, eliminating waste, reducing ... Read more

Enterprise Content Management: Dead or Alive?

Let’s face it. ECM or Enterprise Content Management – the technologies focused on helping organizations control, manage, store, preserve, and deliver ... Read more

Digital Transformation: A Deeper Look Into Gartner’s Research

Recently, Gartner released a report with executive perspectives on digital transformation. The report sheds light on how digital document management ... Read more

Audit Preparation: How Records Management Software Will Help

In most companies today, keeping clients happy, managing employees and producing quality work are more than enough to keep everyone busy. Thinking ... Read more

5 Reasons Not to Fall Behind in Digital Innovation

Information management is crucial for organizations across nearly every industry. From Fortune 500 companies to medical offices, where and how you ... Read more