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5 Key Trends to Shape Your 2018 Information Management Plans

I spend a lot of my time writing and speaking about trends in the content management marketplace. As many of you know, I regularly blog under the ... Read more

Automated and Collaborative Workflows – Where Should You Start?

In my last post, The Results Gap -- Automated Workflow Intentions vs. Reality – I discussed a recent AIIM report on Business Process Automation in ... Read more

The Results Gap – Automated Workflow Intentions vs. Reality

This is the first of two posts focusing on the critical importance of automated, collaborative workflows. I was reading through an AIIM report – ... Read more

Technology Innovation at First Seems Optional. And Then It’s Not

All of the press commentary about the tenth anniversary of the iPhone has me thinking about my personal adoption of technology innovation. For me, it ... Read more

The CFO is the New CIO

I often enjoy playing with the Google “auto complete” function. At times, it can almost be a party game. For example, once you start typing in “I ... Read more

The March to Cloud Content Management – Resistance to Cloud Solutions is Futile

Back around 2009, I would raise the prospect of buying things online with my wife, and she would express security concerns and that she was ... Read more

AIIM Goes Officeless and Pivots Toward a Mobile Workforce

In the next year, AIIM likely won’t have any permanent offices. Now, before the chattering class in the Twitterverse starts erupting with tweets like ... Read more

A Change Management Plan: Usually Easier Said than Done

In To Change Your Strategy, First Change How You Think Mark Bonchek and Barry Libert describe the core elements of an effective change management ... Read more

Which is Tougher? A Harvard “A” or a Process Improvement “A”?

According to the New York Times, “At Harvard a few years ago, a professor complained that the most common grade was an A-. He was quickly corrected: ... Read more

Complying with the GDPR Requires Pragmatism and a Pinch of Courage

In The Wild Ride Starts Now – Data Governance Challenges in the New GDPR I wrote about the need to get serious about the forthcoming European General ... Read more