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DocuWare Partner –

You need an optimally trained team to successfully sell document management solutions. From acquiring prospects to presenting solutions to implementing a system and providing its support - you need different experts along the way. 

How can a DSA, DAC, DCC or DSC get certified?

For the certification of DSAs and DCCs, successful completion of online trainings assigned to these roles is sufficient. For certification of DACs and DSCs, attendance at classroom training is required in addition to the self-study material. For all DSA, DAC, DCC, or DSC: final exams must be successfully passed before valid certification or recertification is achieved.

Classroom training sessions build upon the information provided in the online training coursework. Therefore, attendance at a classroom training is only possible after all required online training modules and their tests have been completed.

  • Registration for a classroom training course is only possible once all required online training modules have been completed.
  • Further participation requirements are summarized in the LMS learning system of the DocuWare Academy – see the chapter on „Training“ as well as any specific course descriptions.


In the case of on-site training at facilities provided by DocuWare, the cost for the room and refreshments will be covered by DocuWare (see also course fees).

Everything you need to know about this is also summarised for DocuWare partners in the brochure on "DocuWare Partner Qualification". This can be downloaded below.

Certification program



DocuWorld Partner Conference

Every year, DocuWare partners can experience interesting insights into the latest technologies and solutions in the field of document management and workflow automation live at the international conference.

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