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New European Data Protection Regulations Can Guide Your Company's Policies

DocuWare is one of the sponsors of AIIM’s new Ebook – Information Privacy and Security: GDPR is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

We're so excited to offer this Ebook to you. It’s not only relevant for European companies, but also for any company doing business in Europe or with European customers.  Even those of you who don't do any business with European customers, will want to know more about GDPR to help get your ducks in a row for general data protection best practices - something people from all over the world can appreciate.

Get New Ebook! 


Historically the European Union has had a high bar for privacy protection; privacy is considered to be a fundamental human right. As a response to advances in digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing and predictive analytics, coupled with revelations of bulk data collection and profiling by intelligence services the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive overhaul of privacy legislation which considerably strengthens and expands privacy rights and will go into effect in May 2018.

The ebook Information Privacy and Security: GDPR is Just the Tip of the Iceberg focuses on five key questions that should be on every C-level executive’s list of priorities:

  1. How has the environment for information privacy and security changed?
  2. What is GDPR, why should you care, and what does it mean for your organization?
  3. What does “Privacy by Design” mean?
  4. How will the Internet of Things make the privacy equation even more complicated?
  5. What should your organization do about all of this, and what role will machine learning play in solving the problem?Get New Ebook! 

Is your organization bogged down by manual processes? Download our tip sheet that explores how to use digital workflows to create a paperless office.  

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