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Stop The Bleeding: Use ECM To Reclaim Your Accounting Team’s Productivity

Accounting departments must contend with a constant influx of documents in both paper and electronic form. New invoices, purchase orders, checks and ... Read more

Helping Employees Reclaim Time With Document Management

Providing employees with the right tools is key to driving efficiency and productivity. A document management system is often a good solution for ... Read more

Why Some Fall Behind: Document Management Q&A With AIIM’s John Mancini

Consumerization, cloud and mobile technology, the Internet of Things — these three disruptors are increasing the possibility that information chaos ... Read more

Before You Optimize Workflow Processes, Get Employees On Board

Document management systems are often used to improve workflow processes that involve multiple departments. The most popular uses, for example, ... Read more

5 Secrets To Strong ECM User Adoption

If you’re a CIO or CFO trying to move your organization forward with enterprise content management (ECM), you know how crucial user adoption is to a ... Read more

Is Your Document Management Implementation Doomed From The Start?

While “Haste makes waste” is a common proverb in the United States, the English seem to favor the variant, “More haste, less speed.” Moving to a ... Read more

Fresh Start: Streamline Your Document Management in 2015

Most companies are constantly looking for ways to improve process efficiency in order to increase productivity and profitability. Now that we’re in ... Read more

Disaster Relief: How Document Management Protects Your Business Data

Fires break out all the time, and paper documents burn well. If all of your information suddenly went up in smoke, chances are good that you’d soon ... Read more

5 Critical Questions- Don’t Get Stuck With The Wrong Document Management System

The last thing your company needs is to waste good money on technology that’s soon obsolete or proves to be more trouble than it’s worth. With the ... Read more

Avoiding Compliance Nightmares With Electronic Document Management

Inefficient or ineffective document management results in unnecessary costs, but it also puts many companies at serious risk of a compliance ... Read more