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DocuWare Blog: Modern Digital Business

Records Management: What It Is and Why You Need It

Records management is a structured approach that determines how records are stored and managed throughout their lifecycle. In this article, we’ll ... Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Contract Management

From service agreements to vendor contracts and everything in between, keeping track of contracts can quickly become overwhelming. This is where ... Read more

Is Invoice Processing Software Worth the Money?

Small- to medium-size businesses (SMBs) prioritize differently than large corporations. One size fits all does not apply when it comes to identifying ... Read more

Digital Accounting: Mastering the Transition in 5 Simple Steps

Digital accounting has transformed how businesses operate and manage their finances. The traditional methods of managing financial data through ... Read more

Business Information Management:  Your Guide to Secure Document Storage

Business landscapes have evolved rapidly in the last decade, and they continue to change at a breakneck pace. Traditional organizations are now ... Read more

What is Document Control? (And How to Implement It)

Pick any important process in any organization and you can bet that there is at least one document, or more likely a suite of documents, that drives ... Read more

Document Archiving: What You Need to Know

Your company has documents that are currently in use and those that are inactive but must be kept for a set time or indefinitely. Inactive documents ... Read more

What Is a Document Repository? Benefits, Set Up Tips and Best Practices

Maintaining organized and secure business documents can be challenging without a digital repository that acts as the single source of truth. So, what ... Read more

How to Grow a Car Dealership Business

Recent changes in the automotive sales environment range from the prevalence of online purchasing and new data privacy regulations to diminished ... Read more

Will AI Replace Finance Jobs? The Future of Finance Professionals

New uses for artificial intelligence (AI) emerge daily. From robo-advisors that provide algorithm-driven financial planning to chatbots and digital ... Read more