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Get to Know Us: Meet Marketing Manager Mary Williams

Photo of Mary Williams DocuWare Marketing Manager on purple background

DocuWarians is a blog feature that introduces you to the people behind the product. In this post, we're highlighting Marketing Manager Mary Williams. 

My responsibilities at DocuWare are…

The team I manage focuses on supporting our Partners and our sales team with their marketing needs. We also handle all our tradeshows and events which include DocuWorld, our annual Partner and User Conferences. Other pretty cool tasks include being involved in strategy, overseeing special projects and being editor of the PartnerInfo.

In my free time…

Painting of red and white birdI’ve been painting for almost 30 years; I find it so relaxing and so rewarding when I finish a project. I also enjoy gardening, but the fun comes in when my husband and I go on motorcycling (sport touring) vacations or camping (well, really glamping) where we can bring our dog, Sophie.

With DocuWare, I work more efficiently because ...

I use DocuWare every day for many tasks. In its simplest form, it is great for storing and retrieving documents. Knowing information is safe and easily findable takes the stress out of my day. It is also invaluable when you need information from years ago and the person who was responsible for it has since retired!

Couple ride a motorcycleI love the Lists function which allows our department to keep reports we use all the time front and center for quick updating and sharing.

Since there are so many ways to use the features of DocuWare, it allows you to get creative. For example, when working on internal events where I need RSVPs, I make a DocuWare form and link it to a corresponding file cabinet, so the index fields are pre-populated with the answers from the form. When I need a headcount report, I just download the result list.

Of course, we have many internal workflows in place, like for when a new employee joins our company. Since several departments need to know this and with automated workflows, we are all notified about what we need to do in the onboarding process at one time.

The fact that DocuWare is easy enough to use that we can set up something like a form so quickly, empowers us to get creative and productive beyond the limitations of other standard solutions.
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