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How DocuWare eForms and Workflow Easily Manage CDC Screening Requirements in Minutes!

Submitting COVID-19 Health Monitoring Form

Contact tracing is a valuable tool for containing the spread of COVID-19 so the economy can reopen safely. There’s an urgent need for a flexible, secure way to screen employees and determine the health status of any person entering an office or business. Requirements vary by state but ultimately it’s each business’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace.

Employee Health MonitoringFormAt DocuWare, we feel this obligation as keenly as our customers do. Our preparation for reopening DocuWare’s US headquarters in New Windsor, New York on July 6 included a thorough review of and strict adherence to state and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. As a company that helps customers with regulatory compliance, we were particularly aware of how important it is to follow the rules. As a result, we developed the COVID-19 screening form – it’s an eform with accompanying workflow that makes mandatory daily health screening easier. Now every employee who plans to work at the office completes a daily COVID-19 questionnaire, in addition to wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer and maintaining social distance.

Solving reopening issues for our business community

In response to customer needs for new ways to address the challenges of phased reopenings, DocuWare used our internal eform as a jumping off point to create a customizable eform and workflow solution. This enables organizations to meet exposure-notification obligations, comply with privacy regulations and limit risk. Current DocuWare customers can add the eform and workflow to their existing systems. With DocuWare Cloud, new customers can take advantage of this functionality and get it up and running in a few days. 
DocuWare eforms for COVID-19 compliance
check mark2Provide contactless visitor and employee check-in/check-out
check mark2Record health screening information while maintaining data privacy
check mark2Enable compliance with federal and state guidelines
check mark2Help employers maintain an ongoing safe work environment 

How one customer configured the process

QR code for employee health monitoringEmployees scan a QR code, posted at the entrance of the building, with their smartphone and a questionnaire opens on their mobile device.  If an employee answers “Yes” to any of the questions, they are not allowed to come to into the office. If the employee answers “No” to all questions, and the company has not met the maximum capacity allowed by rules in their state, they can come into the office for the day. DocuWare workflow kicks in and sends the employee and their manager a status notification. The questionnaire is also archived in DocuWare to prove compliance. 
This eform and workflow are easily customizable. For example, some companies require a temperature check at the entrance to the office or create an additional form for visitors. 
The DocuWare screening eform is a critical element in ensuring that you meet regulatory requirements, reduce liability and build employee confidence in the safety of working at your office. It's as essential as deep surface cleaning, requiring masks or reconfiguring your space to meet social distancing guidelines. Implementing the online form is another way to make employees more comfortable about returning to the office. Ensuring the physical and mental health of your employees has never been more important. 
Reopen your business safely, efficiently with contactless digital forms and workflow to easily manage CDC screening requirements
