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Case Study: Authorized DocuWare Partner

RJ Young

Since its founding in1955, RJ Young has made it their mission to partner with the best in the business to guarantee that their customers receive the best products and services.

“We didn’t choose DocuWareDocuWare chose us,” says Joey Lush, Solution Sales Manager at RJ Young. When RJ Young acquired Business ElectronicsDocuWare was already in place, but the agreement had been terminated and the new owners, RJ Young were to help find a new solution provider. The goal was to select a provider who could support a rapid expansion into the lucrative small to medium size business market. Following the acquisition, when RJ Young got to see DocuWare in action they not only wanted to keep the system, but quickly recognized the value of being part of DocuWare’s international network of partners and the new opportunities that come with providing cloud-based document management and workflow solutions. 

“A lot of vendors don’t give us a seat at the table, but with DocuWare, we are invited to weigh in on strategy, product development and marketing - they make us feel like we are all one company.”

RJ Young operates 30 locations across the Southeastern United States employing approximately 600 people. Their new position as an Authorized DocuWare Partner (ADP) allows them the flexibility to expand an already large customer base, spanning a wide range of industries and to serve businesses of any size. 

DocuWare’s ability to seamlessly integrate with other applications, along with the ease and speed with which its cloud-based solutions could be implemented, has allowed RJ Young to reach a wider range of new customers while they still serve existing ones. Their goal of reaching $2.5M in DocuWare sales in 2020 is well on its way to being realized, they reached the $1.7M mark within the first eight months of the year. 

While RJ Young signed up to be a DocuWare partner in April 2019, it was not until August of the same year that they really saw business taking off and their customer base expanding. But the one thing they knew from the beginning was that their partnership was a real one and they had consistent support from and access to DocuWare experts all the way.  

In these early days of being an ADP, they also learned to appreciate DocuWare’s business model. With past Document Management providersRJ Young received sponsorships for industry events they hostedBut as DocuWare prefers to invest event money into serious partner training and getting DocuWare sales staff on sales calls or out into the field alongside the ADP, they began to value this type of support over any other. 

 The training program laid out for every ADP includes work on lead generationcoaching on solution selling, learning how to demoalong with consulting and communicating on the product so that customers can quickly grasp the benefits. There is also comprehensive implementation support from DocuWare’s Professional Services teams. 

“We reached Platinum status inthe first 6 months of 2020. We have a goal of achieving  about $ 2.5M in DocuWare sales. With the way business is going, we will reach this goal.” 

RJY Logo_Full Color Tagline
Country: USA
Partner since: 2019
Deployment: On-Premises | Cloud
Completed projects: 100+

DocuWare’s willingness to teach us, hold our hand, and work with our team - which consists of about 130 core equipment reps means we are not alone. We talk to our DocuWare sales director at least twelve times a week because he is an extension of our sales team.

Joey Lush
Solution Sales Manager 

Since RJ Young has become an ADP, they have seen exceptional growth and even hit new sales records in their first year of operation. Despite the initial slow down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are now ahead of where they were YTD in 2019.  

When selling new systems, RJ Young always begins the conversation with a demo of DocuWare’s cloud solutions. In the rare circumstance when a customer needs an on-premises solution, they offer that, too. But the cloud allows them to sell more and earn more.

“Delivering a great solution in a shorter time frame is made possible with the cloud.”

 According to Joey Lush, Solution Sales Manager, they don’t talk about ROI calculators to show how DocuWare brings about cost savings. It is far more meaningful to their customers to show how digital document management allows the business to grow and workflow automation allows more work to be accomplished with the same number of staff. Increased productivity and increased profitability while maintaining staff levels is what every business wants. 

 In RJ Youngs experience, user acceptance is high because there is no steep learning curve – the product is easy to use and adapt to. In fact, the RJ Young team have found it better to provide advanced training from the beginning as most people don’t even need the basic level.  

 When asked which DocuWare feature makes it so popular for their customers, Lush stated “Intelligent Indexing is what does it across the board and especially in Accounting and HR departments.” 

 DocuWare’s recent introduction of contactless screening forms using scannable QR codes is another easy sell for RJ Young’s team. It is offerings like this that open many more doors and lead to productive conversations and seal deals for their sales team. Right now, the mandatory employee screening in most states has most employers scrambling to find a quick and affordable answer. A turnkey solution like DocuWare’s contactless form is quick and easy for an ADP to demoOnce a conversation like this begins, it is easy to share more about DocuWare and eventually expand the customers use of the solution. 

 When an ADP implements a DocuWare solutiontheir DocuWare training sets them up to be as self-sufficient as they choose to be, so they can handle implementations and enhancements themselves or with back up. New implementations, updates or expansions to existing systems can be done quickly and seamlessly, allowing the ADP to serve more customers at a timeThese become additional revenue sources for ADPs. The fact that their customers can rely entirely on the ADP and don’t have to dedicate any of their own resources to implement or update their DocuWare system makes the ADP a trusted and invaluable resource for their customers“Program upgrades and enhancements are all done by us for the customer. They (our customers) don’t have to dedicate an IT person or any other resource for this, we do it all for them, concludes Joey Lush, Solution Sales Manager. 


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