The person who created the cloud account is the organization administrator and a member of all user roles in the solution. Therefore, they can see all the solution's document trays, file cabinets, lists, tasks, etc.
Furthermore, the trial version contains six sample users with different roles and approval dollar thresholds:
- Accountant Peggy Jenkins receives invoices to store in the process for the validation tasks and is assigned roles including invoice distributor and final approval processing.
- Finance Manager Elizabeth Cash can approve invoices below the predefined user limit of $500. (To test this function, you need to activate the approval workflow setting option to demonstrate user limits). The default setting is based on a corporate dollar threshold of $0 requiring a second level approval on all invoices.
- Peter King and Peter Sanders receive invoices assigned to them or invoices requiring a second level approval in the approvals process based on the default corporate dollar limit or user limit.
- Fred Winner and Brian Ford receive invoices when they are assigned to them in the approvals process.
To test the invoice processing:
- Store a sample invoice from the IP – Accounts Payable document tray
- Assign invoice under “Requestor” to a sample user, then log in as sample user to complete the approval process
- Or try out the solution together with your colleagues and add them as a new user in your trial version.
If you would like to test the solution using your own data, please complete the testing data worksheet in the Documentation and Configuration tray with up to five additional test users free of charge. Please email us at