Scanning, saving, retrieving and triggering workflows
Digital workflows and customized electronic filing cabinets were created. Roll out was staggered across four departments over a twelve-week period. Staff were trained on how to scan, index and file historical paper documents and electronically import new records directly into DocuWare.
"As each department came on board, we discovered we were building an in-house DocuWare user group that could assist new departments as they onboarded," said Ray Hoyt, Project Director for Tillamook Bay Community College.
Immediate benefits and increased efficiency was noted by the departments as everything from payroll files to endowment agreements and financial aid documents were securely filed with fast access by authorized staff to review, retrieve, share or trigger workflows.
DocuWare's adaptability allowed it to provide solutions across multiple departments
TBCC wanted to provide instructors with standardized curriculum and guidelines - DocuWare was customized to meet these requirements. The college was spared the work of implementing a separate solution, leading to a savings of $40,000.
With DocuWare, the Instructional department had the flexibility to archive current and out-of-date curriculum, thereby maintaining the connection between past student and curriculum records. The new college-wide initiative of enhanced advising was made possible because student information could be shared electronically between Student Services, Financial Aid, Registration and Faculty Advisors.
The speed of digitization was faster than expected
DocuWare was implemented in a customized and staggered rollout which worked extremely well for all departments involved. "We thought moving our documents into DocuWare would be a long process, but with the ability to customize our approach, we've exceeded our five year Title III grant goal of number of documents digitized at year three. This means we've made a 332% improvement in digitizing our documents. Which makes us all very happy," stated Hoyt.