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Case Study: Healthcare

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With more than 56,000 employees, Johanniter Emergency Services is one of the largest aid organizations in Europe. A central document pool ensures the secure management of all personnel documents, while a digital workflow ensures quick invoice verification.

With almost 300 member groups, Johanniter Emergency Relief is one of the most important charitable organizations in Germany. Its commitment is broad: emergency medical services, disaster relief, first-aid training, but also work in the caring of children, young people and the elderly and sick. Johanniter is also active internationally, for example in the event of famine or natural disasters. The relief organization places particular importance on reliability, quality controls and cost-effectiveness. A document management system simplifies internal administrative processes, which also makes it possible to manage donations and maintain efficient corporate management.

The secure storage of all HR documents was the most important goal for introducing a DMS. A personnel archive needed to be set up for more than 20,000 full-time employees and 36,000 volunteers across all locations in Germany. The individual offices were to have access to these documents at all times. Central filing of sensitive documents and uncomplicated but at the same time protected access were key arguments. In addition, all invoice documents had to be stored in a tamper-proof and digital format. 

Finance |Management |Controlling |Administration |HR

Today, we have made many of our processes much more efficient. In the area of Human Resources, employees have faster, central access to their personnel files. With management of our incoming A/P invoices, we have been able to optimize the payment approval process through digitization.

Stefanie Schlinke
IT Administrator, Johanniter Emergency Services, Leipzig (Germany)

The DocuWare deployment was launched at the association's headquarters in Berlin, where ten workstations were equipped with second monitors. In a second step, several regional associations received new multifunction devices for document digitization for nationwide use.

Today, more than 2,000 employees in all areas of the organization work with the DMS. DocuWare is integrated into the Diamant ERP system via an interface, allowing documents to be accessed directly from the commercial solution's interface.

Digital workflow controls approval process

All personnel files are now available (to authorized persons only) in digital form. Applications, sick leave documents, training certificates or change of address which arrive in the respective HR departments by postal mail are scanned by the staff, then assigned to the correct file via employee number and archived. A digital workflow is also used in invoice verification and approval. After scanning the paper invoices, they are indexed with Intelligent Indexing and stored in a tamper-proof manner. The DMS then notifies the employees of the regional offices responsible for approving payment by email, who sign off on the documents from a task list using a digital stamp. In some cases, the workflow controls several release steps at once, from the area manager to the board of the regional office. At the end of the process, the documents for payment end up in the accounting department.

Quick document access saves money

The digital invoice approval process is much faster today – especially since the various offices of the aid organization are often far apart and documents previously had to be sent by post. Now, they can benefit from early payment discounts. Thanks to digital employee replacement rules, invoices are no longer left unprocessed, even if employees are ill or on vacation. The accounting department always has an overview of where a receipt is at the moment and can also easily determine afterwards who checked what and when. Likewise, area managers can quickly call up all invoices from the previous year for planning the next annual budget.

Employees in the personnel department also appreciate the quick access to documents. Since they no longer have to send files to the regional associations by post, they can be sure that no unauthorized person can access them. At the same time, they are saving time and money. That's why DocuWare is constantly being expanded. The next major project is a nationwide archive for home emergency calls, similar to a digital personnel file. For this purpose, the DMS will be seamlessly integrated into other software systems.

Our processing times have been drastically reduced. Even our employees working overseas in Foreign Aid access the document pool via Web Client and are integrated into the workflow without any problems.“

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