Yesterday's traditions, today's knowledge and visions for tomorrow: that's the mission statement that has helped drive Interlázaro while it has been producing fresh fruit in the Saragozza region of Spain for three generations. On 800 hectares of land and with 200 permanent employees, the family business produces over 40 million kilos of fruit every year, including apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries, figs and plums.

Due to the widespread geographical distance between fields and their administrative office, they always encountered problems when working together on documents, before they introduced a document management system. While supplier invoices are generally received at the administrative office, ordered work materials and their delivery slips are handled directly on the fields. This posed a logistical challenge for internal approval processes, because the employees responsible are also working in various fields. In the past, up to 60 invoices and delivery notes per day were sent back and forth between the office and the orchards. Documents were often forwarded with a time delay or were lost completely, especially when several people were involved.

Administration | Purchasing
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