Document pool and workflow go hand in hand
Today, DocuWare is integrated into Winprojekt, a special industry software for the trades. Cost estimates, order confirmations, outgoing A/R invoices, delivery bills and reminders created with it are automatically indexed using the print function and all stored in the central document pool. Through integration into the e-banking software Sfirm, the entire payment transaction is also centrally archived, as are all digitally incoming A/P invoices and delivery bills. The few documents that are still received by mail are scanned, indexed with Intelligent Indexing and also stored. At the same time, several digital workflows control order processing, invoicing and subsequent payment monitoring. When a customer order is received, the assembly department first receives the order slip, which records the work to be done and is signed by the customer at the end. Back in the office, this slip is scanned and stored in DocuWare, whereupon the processes for invoicing and payment monitoring are automatically initiated. For example, the system reports any reminders that are due in the event of non-payment. In the case of customer inquiries, employees can access all documents at any time and with just a few mouse clicks. The electronic verification of incoming invoices also makes work easier and increases transparency. As soon as an invoice has been archived digitally and in an audit-proof manner, it can be quickly and conveniently checked and approved by management on screen.
Work simplified for all involved
Many administrative workflows have improved and become significantly faster thanks to digitization. In addition to the legal certainty gained in handling documents, their quick and easy availability for employees is a huge plus. They can even access the necessary documents while on the road or while working at a customer. For example, instead of laboriously searching through paper folders, it is now sufficient to enter an item number. It is immediately clear when and from which wholesaler a fitting was delivered. Necessary spare parts are ordered immediately and warranty claims are clarified in no time at all , all in all, an incredible workload reduction for everyone involved.