Reducing errors to zero
Today, DocuWare Cloud digitally maps the entire workflow. As a first step, all delivery and invoice documents are captured with powerful scanners. DocuWare automatically recognizes which customer a document belongs to and stores the documents in the electronic file cabinet. This reduces human error and document loss to virtually zero. Employees can then access the documents via a simple user interface and enter various index terms , a full-text search is also available.
Thanks to the consistent use of the DMS, Elit was able to significantly reduce the processing time required for an invoice , outstanding accounts have also fallen significantly. In disputes, for example, the company immediately has the necessary proof ready in the form of documents. It is also very easy to determine which delivery notes or invoices never came back from a customer after delivery. The investigation of these outstanding invoices used to waste a ton of time.
Virtually eliminating missing returns
Overall, the number of missing invoice returns could be reduced by 97 percent - outstanding receivables decreased accordingly. Both of these factors have improved the company's cash flow. At the same time, sales staff are more motivated to speak with customers, thanks to improved communication between sales and accounting. Even today, invoices are sometimes not confirmed or returned during their process. But as opposed to the past, the company flags them within a few days and a customer is immediately approached about the matter. This helps both sides to avoid conflicts - and Elit gets its money earlier.