Tennis plays a big role in Bavaria, with around 300,000 members, the Bavarian Tennis Association (BTV) ranks third among sports associations, only behind soccer and gymnastics. The BTV is the largest state association within the German Tennis Federation.

In 2020 during the pandemic, the BTV set off on an important course for the future: the association headquarters moved into a newly built building on the grounds of TennisBase near Munich, a performance center of the BTV known throughout Germany and also internationally. In parellel with the modernization of its infrastructure and the merging of their sports and administration teams, they looked at new ways to pool their organizational forces. As written in their 2020 annual report, the executive committee focused on the goal to "make structures more efficient, improve workflows and accelerate coordination and decision-making processes. " 

Adaptation under its own direction

Contributing to this are the workflows that Christian von Freyburg, deputy head of Finance and IT, is using to redesign administrative processes. The financial controller relies on a preconfigured cloud solution from DocuWare, which was chosen on July 1, 2020, after four weeks of testing.  

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