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Case Study: Association

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With the DocuWare Cloud, the Bavarian Tennis Association has a tool to meet the requirements of a modern, transparent and efficient organization through quick and lean administrative processes.

Tennis plays a big role in Bavaria – with around 300,000 members, the Bavarian Tennis Association (BTV) ranks third among sports associations, only behind soccer and gymnastics. The BTV is the largest state association within the German Tennis Federation.

In 2020 during the pandemic, the BTV set off on an important course for the future: the association headquarters moved into a newly built building on the grounds of TennisBase near Munich, a performance center of the BTV known throughout Germany and also internationally. In parellel with the modernization of its infrastructure and the merging of their sports and administration teams, they looked at new ways to pool their organizational forces. As written in their 2020 annual report, the executive committee focused on the goal to "make structures more efficient, improve workflows and accelerate coordination and decision-making processes." 

Adaptation under its own direction

Contributing to this are the workflows that Christian von Freyburg, deputy head of Finance and IT, is using to redesign administrative processes. The financial controller relies on a preconfigured cloud solution from DocuWare, which was chosen on July 1, 2020, after four weeks of testing. 


The DocuWare Cloud opens up a wide range of possibilities for us to optimize our administrative processes. The pre-configuration makes implementation easier and lets us expand to meet our needs at any time by adding modules. Another plus: how easy it is to customize existing workflows.

Christian von Freyburg
Financial Controller, Bavarian Tennis Association, Munich (Germany)

In his view, using the cloud for this has the fundamental advantage that the solution is easier to calculate, since the entire range of functions is available and any additional modules can be used without having to think about additional costs, installation and maintenance effort. Another important aspect: the wide range of customization options, some of which he can take care of without external support.

DocuWare's preconfigured solutions are based on the wealth of experience gained from thousands of digitization projects and can be quickly adapted to a variety of operational environments. Processes that occur in many companies and organizations in a similar form are already preconfigured in workflows and can be introduced in just a few steps. Interfaces and integrations with other widely used applications – such as their DATEV accounting system – are already in place. Incoming A/P invoice processing could therefore be quickly implemented with the cloud solution. 

Acceleration boost for invoice processing

Half of incoming invoices are sent by mail or email to BTV's central accounting department. Here they are scanned and automatically indexed and stored in a digital inbox/tray. This is also where the formal, factual check takes place, which is then followed by automatic forwarding to various departments for technical verification – from administration (including HR) to mass sports and coach training, youth development, competitive sports and tournament operations, to public relations, finance and IT. After review by department managers, there may also be additional approval levels all the way up to the executive board depending on the type of invoice and the amount invoiced. 

All of these routes and options were mapped out in an authorization workflow concept of the DMS. "With the introduction of DocuWare," says BTV's Vice President of Finance and IT, Bernd Walther, "we had set the goal of making our internal approval processes digital, transparent and traceable – and significantly faster." As a result, a process which once took up to three weeks from receipt to payment, now takes a maximum of one week and in most cases two to three days. 

Christian von Freyburg is "very happy" with the cloud solution: the performance is right, the processes for incoming invoices were significantly accelerated, and there is transparency about the use of funds at all times. The next projects planned are the creation of a digital contract archive and the complete digitization of travel and expense allowance statements, including the independent scanning of receipts by employees.

We can clearly budget for the cloud solution since we have one total price for all functionalities. If needed, another module can be added without having to think about additional investments, installation and maintenance efforts.

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