When asked about what makes them unique in how they sell Toyota, Nissan and Kia brand cars, Managing Director Jörg Schubert does not hesitate for a second: customer satisfaction. When anything is ever amiss in a survey that takes place after each customer visit, it triggers intensive research. All employees are encouraged to carefully investigate the cause of even minor dissatisfactions and to look for a solution.

Work environment must be right

A workforce like this doesn't happen by accident. It only comes from a company's total commitment to satisfaction. Schubert's credo is: "Only satisfied employees produce satisfied customers. " This includes the right work environment to ensure that employees can fully concentrate on their core tasks, and not on unnecessary paperwork.

With the DMS, the car dealership not only wants to support existing processes, but also to come up with new ways to optimize and implement. There was no template for what he was planning, but Jörg Schubert was convinced by the concept laid out by their DocuWare Partner. After they opted for DocuWare in spring 2022, they began intensively revisiting core work processes. Their revised workflows went live at the beginning of 2023.

Retail (Automotive)
Accounting | Controlling | Management | Purchasing | Sales | Scheduling
Dealer Management System ECAROS