New DocuWare features result in better customer service
Instead of accepting membership modification requests on site, 10 Fitness now uses digital forms that are sent to customers' mobile phones or emailed as links. When members fill out the digital blueprints, the forms are emailed to the call center to be executed by staff. The new process has a significantly smaller footprint and speeds up processing for members while saving staffers work time. Automating the workflow also allows tracking requests' progress digitally"Adams can pull up requests on his screen and see whether they have been completed or still pending. "I can see with my own eyes what's happening in real time. It's huge," he says. Digitizing the process also saved staffers time. "It saved us several hours compared to what we were doing before." More importantly, it greatly improved customer service. "We wanted to create a better customer experience and we did it with DocuWare," Adams says. "It's part of our everyday business now."