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DocuWare Certified Product


Power your accounts payable with VERTOSUITE for Line Items. A tool that seamlessly integrates DocuWare with a range of ERP and accounts systems to receive and validate invoices against purchase orders and goods received notes, providing for discrepancy and tolerance checks at a line level, document routing across the organisation for authorisation and posting into the ERP system with blistering speed and astounding accuracy.

The DocuWare DMS seamlessly integrated into your ERP system

Seamless integration, peerless functionality

  • Streamline accounts payable document validation and input saving time and money.
  • Automate the end-to-end processing at least 80% of PO & GRN validated invoices.
  • Improve data accuracy and quality.
  • “From inbox to ERP”; Process documents as they arrive, not in batches.
  • Achieve ROI in under 6 months.
  • Reduce document receipt and processing costs.
  • Greatly improve environmental impact of existing manual printing and processing


Examine, validate, process

  • One install can process up to 5,000 invoices per day, per entity.
  • Utilizes the power of DocuWare Intelligent Indexing.
  • Integrates with any existing authorization matrices within the DocuWare system.
  • Fully configurable checks and tolerances at a line-item level.
  • Business ERP rules are adhered to by posting through the ERP/accounts package API or CSV import mechanism.


  • No additional software interface for the user to learn.
  • Helpful document feedback for the user allowing for proper investigation
  • Greater control over the AP process by formalising strict rulesets and automating mundane data checks/validations.
  • GL coding at line-item level.
  • Multi-currency
  • Multi-tax
  • Can handle non-PO invoices (signoffs) and credit notes.
  • Provides for CSV/XML output if using a non-integrated ERP.
  • The AP team can focus on the exceptions rather than repetitive data input.

The VertoSuite Line Items tool

How AP is powered
The described certified product is from a third-party vendor and is not included in DocuWare's functionality. If you are interested, please refer directly to the following contact:

Certified with

Product Version: 1.2

DocuWare Version: 7.2



Anota LTD

+44 (0)113 887 2400

Anota Ltd

Anota Ltd is a long-standing DocuWare partner with extensive experience in the design, delivery, and support of both small and large-scale DocuWare-based ECM systems to a range of industries including manufacturing, automotive, medical manufacture, and transport/logistics.