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Case Study: Service Provider

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As one of the leading air ambulances in Europe, Tyrol Air Ambulance offers thousands of injured or sick people help abroad every year. A document management system ensures efficient work processes.

In 1976 Tyrol Air Ambulance flew its first injured person home. Today, the team of this widely recognizable air ambulance corps helps with medical emergencies abroad and brings thousands of patients to their home countries every year in specially equipped aircraft. Each time they head out, they are faced with both medical and logistical challenges. The company uses the latest technical developments for this purpose. This also applies to their administrative office located at Innsbruck Airport, where a document management system is used.

Prior to implementing the DMS, the company used Lotus Notes for project management and document assignment. However, since major updates and a great deal of programming work would have been required to adapt existing workflows, the management decided to take a more modern approach with a DMS. The goal was to create one central and digital collection point for all project information in order to better handle increasing data volume and cut their use of paper. At the same time, DSGVO-compliant data security is of utmost importance – which means they need to ensure precisely regulated access rights to sensitive medical data. Two other key points in favor of DocuWare: easy setup of digital workflows and seamless interface with their BMD accounting software. The DocuWare Partner's professional competence and commitment, as well as regional proximity to the company, were also critical factors.

Service Provider
Controlling |Marketing |IT Operations |Accounting |Purchasing |Medical Assistance |Technical Warehouse

Since using the DocuWare solution, our processes are automatically documented and can be clearly traced. By digitizing processes and documents, we are creating a future-oriented foundation to expand our business.

Hemma Niederegger
Project Manager Sales & Marketing, Tyrol Air Ambulance, Innsbruck (Austria)

Digital document processing - like clockwork

Initially, the DMS application was tested with a workflow in the flight ambulance area for two weeks. DocuWare was set up to guide employees step-by-step through the process of calculating a quote, for example, to help them select the criteria necessary to determine the price of a flight. If all the specifications are met, an offer is automatically created, sent by email and stored in a digital file cabinet. After this successful test, the DocuWare Partner rolled out the solution in accounting and other departments. Around half of the 100 employees now access the central document pool regularly. When checking incoming invoices, the various service providers first send documents by email to the Innsbruck headquarters and archive them there. Credit card receipts from pilots for airport fees or fuel fillings are scanned, indexed and also stored. A workflow is immediately launched once a document is archived. The invoices first appear in the accounting task list, where they are assigned to specific departments. The responsible persons then receive the documents for checking over. When the documents are released, some information is automatically sent back to the quotation department, which then has up-to-date price information for its next estimates. At the same time, the invoices go back to the accounting department for final inspection. In the last step, an interface transfers the documents to the BDM financial accounting system for posting. In certain cases, they are again forwarded to the invoicing team if additional invoicing of individual items is needed.

Digital workflows make them competitive

Thanks to DocuWare, communication has improved considerably and their workflows have become more efficient and much faster. Potential sources for errors have also been reduced, because not everything is recorded and filed two or three times. By accessing the central document pool, all employees have the same level of information. This brings clear advantages, for example, in the preparation of offers thanks to more current and better networked information. With their workflow, they can react to inquiries very quickly and flexibly, which makes the company more competitive in the industry. The Innsbruck headquarters also benefits from their digital invoicing workflow. The system provides a far better overview of the processing status of invoices - after all, Tyrol Air Ambulance is responsible for a whole lot, including keeping tabs of millions of Euros.

It was surprising how easy it was to introduce the system. Our employees immediately recognized how it could simplify their work and were keen to get started. Just one week after installation, everything was running like clockwork.

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