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Case Study: Tourism
Find more case studiesGetting there faster, more securely and more economically: travel company Stanglmeier is also driving ahead in their administration by adding a document management system. Since the beginning of 2018, the cloud-based solution has also ensured greater transparency.
From branches in Mainburg, Ingolstadt and Pfaffenhofen, the company‘s employees plan and organize trips of all kinds. Customers particularly appreciate their personal and familiar service. In order to ensure the highest level of safety for all trips, the company invests in the most modern technical equipment for their entire bus fleet. Stanglmeier's motto of always having its “finger on the pulse of the times“ applies not only to its services and offerings. In their administration, this long-established company increasingly relies on digitization. Since 2018, DocuWare Cloud has ensured fast and transparent workflows – without the need for any additional hardware.
Stemming the flood of paper in the company was just one of the reasons for using the DMS. With up to 200 incoming A/P invoices a day, the time and effort required for invoice verification was enormous.
The clear advantage of the DMS is easy access to the central document pool from any of our locations. Since we already had good experience with software-as-a-service, we opted for a cloud solution here as well.
Simone Stanglmeier
Authorized signatory and DMS administrator of the Stanglmeier Group, Mainburg (Germany)
Invoices that had already been sent electronically by email from suppliers first had to be printed out and – like the invoices sent by mail – checked by employees at the individual locations before they were sent to the headquarters in Mainburg, then they were approved by management before being posted, paid, and archived by the accounting department. The search process was just as time-consuming when a particular invoice was needed at one of their many locations.
DMS at the heart of digitization project
The first step was to set up a workflow for checking incoming invoices. In the mailroom, invoices are either scanned or automatically retrieved from the email inbox, indexed and stored in DocuWare. The workflow starts immediately. Indexing determines which department the invoice is then sent to for review, where it appears in the task list of the responsible employee. As soon as this person has checked it and added an electronic stamp, it is sent either to Managing Director Christian Stanglmeier or to the authorized signatory for final inspection, depending on the supplier. Once it has been approved, the invoice is sent on to the accounting department. The workflow ends after the invoice has been posted, paid and archived. If a manager is on vacation, the workflow changes: After being checked by the clerk, the invoice goes immediately to accounting and is only then sent to management for a follow-up check. No problem thanks to DocuWare Mobile! Today, in addition to accounting, all departments in the group work with DocuWare.
The HR department is in the process of introducing digital personnel files for approximately 300 employees. A simple workflow for resubmitting fixed-term employment contracts already ensures that the document automatically appears in the employee's task list on the date specified. The employee can then take the necessary action in good time. Another workflow ensures that important company notifications – such as current COVID-19 regulations for bus drivers – are securely sent to employees by email and they can see them in their task list. This also serves as proof that employees have actually been informed.
The fact that the digital solution saves costs and space is, of course, a big benefit. But what brings the company the biggest advantage is the streamlining of a wide range of work processes. Even cash discounts can now be taken advantage of more easily as a result.
What DMS administrator Simone Stanglmeier likes best about DocuWare is the system's flexibility: "It's incredible what other areas we can cover in the company with the DMS." A contract management system is under development, as is a digital handbook for employees. As a substitute for the intranet, everyone can use this to gather tips and tricks on how to best organize internal work processes in their area, such as travel bookings.