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Case Study: Non-profit

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DocuWare keeps Smile Train organized and helps the AP cycle be more efficient. With over 5,200 vendor agreements and thousands of invoices to be processed, this is highly valuable to the non-profit organization.

Smile Train is the world’s largest cleft-focused organization, with a sustainable and local model of supporting surgery and other forms of essential care. Over the last 20+ years, they have supported safe and quality cleft care for 1.5+ million children, and will continue to do so until every child in need with a cleft has access to the care they deserve.

Digitizing with DocuWare

Smile Train uses DocuWare as a supplement to its accounting platform to process invoices and other financial documents like vendor agreements and contracts electronically. To carry out its operations, Smile Train works with a multitude of vendors to purchase everything from brochures and t-shirts to software and IT infrastructure support. “It is crucial that our invoices are paid on time,” says Jennifer Rodriguez, Manager, IT & Administration. Before introducing DocuWare in 2013, the company used paper invoicing, which was a slow manual process. After installing DocuWare, this workflow was digitized, improving communications, efficiency, and accuracy. Having DocuWare as a platform allows Smile Train to have an audit trail of approvals as well as gives staff an idea of where in the workflow an invoice is at any given moment. By allowing staff to see this on their own, it allows the finance team to focus on AP cycles as well as their other tasks and projects.

Finance |Marketing |Accounting

If I didn't have Intelligent Indexing, I would be doing invoices for a much longer time. It makes invoice processing easier. When an invoice is imported, the majority of the fields are already filled out for me so I can send it for approval faster.

Jennifer Rodriguez
Manager, IT & Administration

Intelligent Indexing shortens processing time

With a focus on automated financial operations, Smile Train’s staff relies on Intelligent Indexing to speed up invoice processing. Users can drop all invoices into a folder on their desktop, and they will be automatically loaded into DocuWare. The system will then index most of the fields necessary for invoice approval, shortening processing time. “When the invoice is imported, the majority of the fields are already filled out for me—I may need to put in only one or two fields,” says Rodriguez. “If I didn't have intelligent indexing, I would be doing invoices for a much longer time. With Intelligent Indexing, it takes me less than a minute to fill out the index fields and send it off to my manager for approval.”

DocuWare keeps Smile Train organized and efficient

Smile Train works with thousands of vendors, processes thousands of invoices, and expects to handle many more as it expands its reach. With 150 users, DocuWare syncs well with Smile Train’s accounting software making its processes more streamlined and efficient. “Right now, we have over 31,000 invoices and over 5,200 vendor agreements that have all been automatically processed through DocuWare,” says Rodriguez. “DocuWare keeps us organized which is a huge win for Smile Train.” 

DocuWare syncs well with our accounting software and is widely used across all different departments."

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