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Case Study: Construction / Building Management

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Top Missouri homebuilder manages growth without increasing costs, automates invoicing processes and stores personnel files in compliance with state and federal regulations.

The employee-owned company is one of Missouri’s largest homebuilders and has joined the ranks of the nation’s Top 100 Homebuilders according to Builder and Professional Builder magazines. The company employs over 1,000 skilled craftsmen and 300 office employees.

Builder’s Bloc Contracting is one of the many companies that fall under the McBride and Son Contracting Company, Inc. Their seven regional offices handle their own accounts through a shared accounting program and needed a document management solution to manage workflows and store documents such as invoices and check copies.

Today, employees have an electronic content folder on their desktops, that contains invoices needing approval. Annotations, job codes and approval stamps are digitally added to each invoice. Then it is automatically routed through the workflow process. Once paid, the invoice and an image of the check are stored in DocuWare.

Detailed job code indexing on invoices makes finding information quick and easy, enabling it to get to the right person more quickly. With digital workflows in place, the accounting staff quickly monitors the invoice approval process. This audit trail improves internal controls and boosts productivity.

Construction / Building Management
HR |Accounting

As McBride and Son revenue has grown, we have been able to manage this growth without adding staff, because of our investment DocuWare.

Andrea Templeton
Corporate Controller

When technology boosts proactivity

Using DocuWare and their detailed job code index system, filing a lien is much more efficient. Finding all relevant invoices for a lien has increased the value Builder’s Bloc can claim; minimizing losses. Based on index criteria, DocuWare also serves as a monitoring system to determine the last date of work on a property to comply with the six-month window for submitting a lien.

In addition, the central storage of documents and detailed index data allows Builder’s Bloc to proactively respond to building material recalls, strengthening the company’s reputation with customers and contributing to higher sales.

“DocuWare helps us access information we’ve never had access to before. If I find out that there has been a problem with a certain concrete, I can now do a search and come up with a list of all the properties where that concrete was used. McBride can contact these customers and resolve the issue under the recall before actual problems develop. This proactive approach does a lot to further our reputation as a quality contractor,“ says Andrea Templeton, Corporate Controller for McBride and Son Enterprises.

Benefits extend beyond the accounting department

DocuWare use has been extended to the Human Resources (HR) department. Now employee onboarding is more efficient. HR initiates the process by scanning and indexing the hiring packet. Using electronic stamps, information is automatically routed to the payroll system and back to HR. Since implemented, DocuWare now holds all active employee files and has been expanded to include other HR documents such as benefits enrollment records and I-9 forms. Health enrollment forms are stored separately to comply with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

After experiencing two fires and a flood that left nine feet of water in their lobby, McBride values DocuWare disaster recovery capabilities. “We lost thousands of documents. We were able to secure our computers on the second floor, but we were unable to access them for almost a month. Once we have DocuWare mirrored to another location, we won’t have any down time,“ says Jeff Sheldon, Information Systems Manager for Builder's Bloc. Beside the cost of savings from courier and storage space fees, DocuWare has helped Builder’s Bloc become compliant with HIPAA regulations, as well as efficiently manage their growth while controlling personnel costs.



DocuWare helps us access information we’ve never had access to before.

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