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Case Study: Manufacturing

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At Electric Motor Manufacturer (EMOD Motors), everything runs even more smoothly and transparently in their central administration since a Document Management System (DMS) has been in use. Every employee stays up to date.

EMOD Motors is one of the world's leading manufacturers of electric motors and specializes in creating custom engineering solutions. Since March 2019, DocuWare’s  document management system (DMS) has ensured fast and transparent order processing.

This German family-run business was able to meet their customer‘s needs and stay ahead of new trends thanks to quick decision-making. State-of-the-art manufacturing processes are at the heart of this, but so are  their smart administrative processes. 

More than a thousand new documents have to be processed by the company every day. In the past, this led to stacks of paper. To process customer inquiries and orders, documents first had to be printed out from the ERP system and then transported back and forth between the offices of the various departments. When specifications changed, it was often necessary to search longer to find out on whose desk a process was currently parked. If a document was filed incorrectly, it was difficult to track down. So the main reasons for the company to introduce a DMS were the lack of space, to reduce filing and search times, and to achieve more transparency in their processes. Authorized Signatory, Sven Odenwald also adds that they wanted to make sure that everyone in their various departments could access information quickly. He also liked how simple and straightforward it was to use the system. 

Management |Administration |Accounting |Purchasing |Logistics
ERP System (AS/400)

We can show workflow processes in detail, so that everyone knows the status of an order, what happens next and what each person is responsible for. And all without any paperwork.

Sven Odenwald
Authorized Signatory, EMOD Motors, Bad Salzschlirf (Germany)

Easy transition

All workstations in the company’s Administration department were equipped with a second monitor. The Production department also received document scanners. DocuWare was integrated into the ERP system on their AS/400 via interface. This means that documents created in the ERP, such as invoices, delivery bills or order papers, are automatically archived in the central document pool using the print function.
In Sales, a cross-departmental workflow was set up for generating proposals. As soon as a customer inquiry arrives at the company's headquarters by phone or email, it is either recorded there in writing by an employee and stored in DocuWare or automatically indexed and filed via Connect to Outlook. The workflow is launched when a document is filed. At any time, Authorized Signatory, Odenwald has an overview of which offers are still open and at what value.

As a second step, a very complex workflow for order processing was installed, which starts with a customer's order. After being stored in the document pool, the order first goes to the Managing Director, who schedules the period for manufacturing the engine and determines the delivery time. Then the order is entered into the ERP system and all order documents are created. Then the order appears in the order placement task list. If the engine has already been manufactured once, this order is duplicated. Otherwise, the order has to go through the Design and Electrical Engineering departments again until an order card with all the specific information for the manufacturing department can be created and printed. A price check follows, after which the order confirmation is created and finally approved by Management. Only then is the order confirmation automatically sent by mail. At the same time, the Production department receives the information that it can start making the engine. As soon as the Production department reports that the engine is ready, the Shipping Office is given the task of preparing all documents for shipping. The invoice is printed in the ERP system and automatically sent by mail after a check. This marks the end of the workflow.

Completely paperless

For employees, their familiar way of working changed only marginally. To tackle tasks, all documents for a transaction are immediately available thanks to full text searches. This makes it easy to check where an order is currently located, who is working on it and in which department. This is also an advantage when a substitute has to fill in when a colleague is absent. Without having to search for a long time, substitutes can access all the necessary documents right from their own workstations.

Searching for old order records in our archives – which were distributed across both of our locations – used to be extremely time-consuming. As an example, information about spare parts for engines that had already been produced would end up being filed away in multiple folders.

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