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DocuWare for Invoice Processing

Resources for users of the preconfigured cloud solution

What document trays are included in the solution?

The Invoice Processing solution provides each user with three preconfigured document trays by default:
IP - Accounts Payable
Shared tray for importing vendor invoices and preparing them to be stored. The Intelligent Indexing service is activated for this tray.
IP - Packing Slips
Shared tray for  importing  packing slips and preparing them to be stored.
IP – First steps and more
Shared tray containing the First Steps and important information to help you get going.  
The administrator of the solution can also create any number of additional trays and assign them to individual users or roles. 
Open DocuWare Configurations from the main menu, go to "Document Trays" and configure additional trays as needed. Also, when setting up new users you can create their own personal document tray.


What document trays are included in the solution?

Version IPUS7.4T1  Version IP7.3T2  previous versions

The Invoice Processing solution provides each user with three preconfigured document trays by default:
IP - Accounts Payable
Shared tray for importing vendor invoices and preparing them to be stored. The Intelligent Indexing service is activeted for this tray.
IP - Packing Slips
Shared tray for  importing  packing slips and preparing them to be stored.
IP – Documentation and Configuration
Shared tray containing the First Steps and important information to help you get going.  
The internal administrator can also create any number of additional trays and assign them to individual users or roles. 
Open DocuWare Configurations from the main menu, go to "Document Trays" and configure additional trays as needed. Also, when setting up new users you can create their own personal document tray.


What document trays are included in the solution?

Version IPUS7.4T1  Version IP7.3T2   previous versions

The Invoice Processing solution provides each user with three preconfigured document trays by default:

Accounts Payable
Shared tray for importing and presorting incoming invoices. The Intelligent Indexing service is only active for this tray.

Packing slips
Shared tray for the importing and presorting packing slips

Shared tray for any documents

As the system administrator, you can also create any number of additional tray and assign them to individual users or roles. Open DocuWare Configurations from the main menu, go to "Document Trays" and configure additional trays as needed.

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