The reason for this reluctance is that the typical procure to pay cycle has a LOT of moving parts. To make things even more challenging, each of these moving parts is often “owned” by a different stakeholder. P2P initiatives typically bring together departments responsible for purchasing, delivery, receiving, inventory management, distribution, invoicing, and payment. Standardizing on a platform to satisfy each of these key stakeholders can sometimes seem overwhelming.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that the technology part of redefining this process is usually the most straightforward part. In particular, the document management functionality needed to effectively support the procure to pay cycle is proven and widely deployed. In fact, your office could go paperless in just 90 days. Find out how by downloading our free whitepaper. Before you hop into a process to pay process automation initiative, what do you need to know?
Automating the procure to pay process is a significant change management initiative for most organizations and requires commitment. But the potential payoffs are huge, and the core document management technologies required to support P2P automation are proven and stable. Organizations can start by automating pieces of the P2P process and build competencies over time. A great place to start is with a scalable document infrastructure that easily integrates into your core procurement and financial systems. Are you ready to see how DocuWare can help you automate the procure to pay process? Sign up for a free demo today.